The March Madness Tournament has begun, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get in on the kitten fun! HSSW will care for over 800 kittens each year. As you can imagine this can get very expensive. In fact, we’ve crunched the numbers and on average, it will cost HSSW $500 PER KITTEN to raise the kitten from birth to adoption. If you’d like to help us out with this grand undertaking, send the kittens a gift – any amount helps!
To send the kittens a gift, we have a few options!
- Fill out the form below
- Donate on Venmo – @petsgohome
- Donate on PayPal – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/petsgohome
If you use Venmo or PayPal, please be sure to include “For the Kittens” or something similar in the memo!
You can also still help save kittens and support our foster program by ordering items off of our Wish Lists!